Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa (Sad Song)*
Mid January is traditionally a dismal time of the year for many people There's plenty of us who suffer SAD syndrome (seasonal adjustment...
Mid January is traditionally a dismal time of the year for many people There's plenty of us who suffer SAD syndrome (seasonal adjustment...
Wednesday night’s our traditional session stretching back to our start in 2015 Over the years the Club’s fortunes have ebbed & flowed...
OK it's three instead of the usual one music reference but as will become clear later it's my party and I'll cry if I want to Monday...
An air of deja vu (all over again) descended upon the Sutton SoccerDome for last night’s SHWFC walking football session After an absence...
The first Ruskin Drive outing of 2022 produced a surfeit of riches; A plethora of players, 22 in all, a warm up feast to ease the festive...
Happy New Year Happy 7th Birthday to SHWFC where did the time go? We've all aged a little some more than others with the exception of...
Wednesday evening Sutton Leisure Centre’s SoccerDome resplendently awaiting the arrival of the mighty SHWFC for their last session...
……across the A580 I’m playing walking football for Christmas It’s the only thing for me (*) The Editor would like to apologise for the...
Wednesday’s Sutton SoccerDome session was an odd affair with a number of our regulars missing for a variety of reasons These...
Today's Blog is courtesy of Lord Rainford (aka John Hawkins) In his usual under=stated way he offers not 1 or 2 but 3 versions of today's...
For any nervous readers let me reassure you that warfare did not break out at any time during Wednesday’s Sutton SoccerDome session...
It takes a lot to keep a SHWFC Walking Footballer from enjoying their Monday morning meander at Ruskin Drive This morning proved that no...
Wednesday night’s session at Sutton Leisure followed a familiar pattern with more injury woes and cry-offs affecting the nature of the...
Apologies for the song title abuse but you’ll appreciate its very difficult to always be a beacon of creative excellence Ruskin Drive...
No apologies no excuses this is without a shadow of doubt the most obscure referenced start to a Blog in history The Title is of course...
Say what you like about Walking Football and Walking Footballers no one could ever deny their resilience Ruskin AstroTurf was a picture...
All families will occasionally vent ‘I didn’t get where I am today‘ without the occasional vent CJ didn’t say but probably should have...
Sounding rather like a John Peel show opening sequence from yesteryear I thought the morning was distinctly autumnal as I drove from El...
“Gonna be a long night, all night on the nightshift” Wednesday’s Sutton Session is usually that legendary session, it is after all where...
This morning’s Ruskin Drive session was a testimony to the iron will and stick-ability of SHWFC players who assembled in surprisingly...