Hi O'Hooligan here.
On arrival at Ruskin yesterday in happened to spy Harry the Hatchet, back from yet another sabbatical in Portugal, sat in his car srolling through his 852 friends on Facebook completely oblivious to the rest of the world!
So I did what every good mate would do, crept up and tapped on his window and frightened the life out of him! Welcome back Harry!
I then went over to join Little Alan on our walk around the park as part of our warm up. Just a lap of the cricket pitch and doing a few stretches along the way. I noticed a couple of others doing it aswell, even Harry the Hatchet after recovering from shock!
So if you should get to the car park early next week come and join us, only takes 5 minutes and we can get a little bit of movement going and slag a few people off!
Tom Stretch might be a problem because we have to pass the cake palace, might need blinkers there!
The games went well with Eileen once again doing heroically in goal!
She is so much looking forward to playing out! Patience is a virtue, you will know when it is right!
Going back to phones, Mike Ox, whose phone was hijacked by his mates, who sent a very embarrassing message to the Watts App thingy must look to who his real mates are!
None of us would do something so childish would we? You are safe with us Ox! Once again we had an abundance of cake with plenty left for next week again, although I did detect the hint of a tear in Tom's eyes as the 2 boxes were taken away for storage! "I could have looked after them" he whispered!
There is always next week mate!
Cheers for now. 😇🇮🇪