For their final fixture of 2022 the players of St Helens WFC took on the significant challenge of the Lounge Bar at the Turks Head.

SHWFC found the going tough at the start as the Turks crowded the bar area making opportunities to test the staff with complicated beverage orders challenging for our bravelads and lasses. But Chris G, Haggis and Emma assisted by Mike W and Chopper took control of the area by the ladies lav. and the kitchen door in order to give something for our more attack minded players to build on.

Seeing an opening on the top flight by the window Lord Rainford, Cockney Rebel, Jeff Bettye, Anne and Karen then made an important breakthrough so that, for the for the first time in the evening, St Helens WFC bums made contact with Turks Head seats.
SHWFC ranks were now strengthened with the arrival of Andy Man, Steve F, Les, Gonzalo and MikeA who strategically blocked off any lines of delivery to the far side of the upstairs bar.
This allowed Paul, Eileen, Sheila and Jim to take advantage of gaps appearing in the Turks Head defence and meant that Chris G et al could get the table their early endeavours deserved.
SHWFC were now rampant and; with Gaz, Grazer, Liz and Julie now also featuring; were able to take full control of the lounge bar, giving another triumphant result to our walking footballers!
Apologies to anyone who was there who, two weeks later, I’ve forgotten. It was a great night out, and here’s to an equally successful 2023!
(* Johnnie Taylor. Other songs of the same title are available!)