The Dick, Kerr Ladies has a long history associated with Women’s football Founded in Preston during WW1 when the Women’s game was starting, the team built an awesome reputation epitomised by the truly legendary Lilly Parr who at almost six feet was a giant of the game It’s said that she scored close to 900 goals in her career, was isn’t in dispute is that she was the First Lady player featured in the National Football Museum in Manchester Her best friend Lizzie Ashcroft (now that's a familiar name) was recruited from St Helens Town to join LKW and together they were part of the most successful Women’s team until the FA banned the whole Women’s Football game in 1921 Their 91.5% winning ratio a measure of their dominance and international renown
Fifty years after the ban the FA eventually decided that there was really no reason to continue to treat Women with such contempt In a period dominated by the famous Doncaster Belles slowly there was some progression with pro- clubs recognising the opportunities their support could unleash Arsenal Ladies eclipsed the Belles with the FA now determining the criteria expected for its Clubs The eventual success of the Lionesses last year was the high water level with big crowds TV coverage and global stars recruited by our domestic league
Lancashire FA acknowledged the anniversary of the DKL founding by supporting a Womens Walking a football Tournament in 2017 This year's Tournament was held last Sunday with 23 teams drawn from such far flung places as Cheshunt, Birmingham, Leeds and Newcastle Our Ladies took their place in the Over 50s Competition a baptism of fire for their first competitive outing
We shouldn't lose sight of the difficulties even fielding a squad posed Some of our players had never previously met their new team mates Monday Maids don't do Wednesdays Wednesday Women can't do Mondays Problem right there
Injuries and Family Illnesses further restricted availability But nevertheless resplendent in their new kit SHWFC Ladies pictured in Dick, Kerr style were;
Michelle Dunning, Jill Thomas, Sharon Hand, Eileen Nicholson, Anita Ashcroft, Julie Simmons Margaret Mills, Liz McDonald and Sheila Darwin

As the competition got underway, the scale of the task at hand became clear In their first four games SHWFC were beaten 1-0 by Haslingden, Garstang, Hartshill and Bolton Tough games with their opponents greater competition experience telling The Ladies achieved their first victory over Newcastle United Community team Whey Aye Lasses. Following that, we had another win on penalties, which, ensured our involvement in the Plate competition
A narrow win on penalties over Birmingham kept hopes alive Next a re-match with Geordies Whey Aye Lasses produced another identical score line
The Plate Competition final was played on an excellent 4G pitch with Colchester Phoenix

WFC Over 40s the unlikely opponents SHWFC were by now "running on empty"
Julie and Liz had to miss the match to visit the hospital Our squad depth and average age left us at a considerable disadvantage But the girls played their hearts out before succumbing to a very youthful Phoenix Over 40s
The plaudits were shared by all of the team; Anita had an inspired spell producing saves from open play and from the penalty spot, Liz was classy in defence, Michelle and Sharon grafted with skipper Jill Tomo catching the eye (the subject of a number of 'tapping up' offers from other teams), Julie led the line until succumbing to ankle injury, Margaret and Sheila shared the work load too A great team effort allround
Plate Runners Up and medals to show to the considerable following of Family, Friends and Fellow Members A reminder again this was our first set of competitive games with an under strength team, some of whom had never met before A measure of the competitive (sic) nature was the news that one player had travelled down from her team in Scotland to take part in the Tournament as a 'guest' We've heard of this sort of behaviour in Mens National Cup games but it was quite apparent that some Clubs will go to extraordinary lengths to win
Well done ladies and know we are very proud that you achieved without compromising the Club's ethos

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