Hi O'Hooligan here
So they gathered for the Annual Quiz Night in the Percival Suite at Ruskin Sports Village Just ten teams; some with high hopes, others with no hope just having a grand night out! In celebration of the event Lord Rainford had arranged to slaughter a small animal on his estate to create a local delicacy - HotPot. However, that was where his largesse ended for there was No crust Club funds only go so far!
No one was quite sure what it tasted of but there was definitely meat in there. All who had ate still turned up to play on Monday so well done M'Lord (looking quite resplendent in his Chef’s Outfit - another from his Dressing Up Box)
And so to the quiz; the lights were dimmed, the audience hushed and the doors locked, but then the lights were turned back on as no-one could see their papers!
Round 1 was a picture test of vehicle maker’s badges. Six people dashed to the doors in order to check their cars, only to discover that their exit was denied to put an end to their attempted cheating,
You might think this would be quite an easy set of questions as most of us drive. I was a professional driver for over 40 years but found this Round to be a really good challenge. Many crossings out followed, my team like others put one answer down 4 times, not a good start!
There followed other rounds including a music test which was most amusing with Brian Prendergast sat there singing all the tunes but not remembering who sang them!
The Food Round was another great test We were presented with a sheet of paper with 10 types of pasta stuck to it. That wizard idea must have taken hours to do!
And we had to name them! Now I like pasta but when shopping I go for the curly one, spaghetti, pene or the little butterflys! Never did I realise that these actually had actual individual names 10 of them! So our team worked out a cunning plan to use the ones we knew and then substitute Italian footballers names, for those we had no idea of
Tardelli, Taratino, Totti but we didn't use Zoff as that would just be daft!
Further rounds followed in a blur and in the 80 degree heat of the Suite (no doubt to encourage more drinking, some teams started to visibly sag!
We then moved on to Play Your Cards Right, which involved some of us standing up but only briefly as no-one got beyond the first row! Good fun!
The final Round was general knowledge test which included an interesting question to name the only British Prime Minister to be assassinated. Some geezer in the 1800s! Suggestions for more likely recent victims were evidently not permitted
Our host for the evening Mr Cockney Rebel had a President Biden moment and gave us the answer to one particular question, a sure-fire indication that it was getting late!
One favourite question referred to Ed Sheeran’s real name. Ed Sheeran of course and not Albert Ostlethwaite which some smart character suggested!
In the end, there had to be a winning team of course and that team was Simple Minds with Nighthawks in a close second place Stewards are investigating a pattern of heavy betting on the outcome in the Billinge area Next year could see the introduction of a handicapping scheme as a direct consequence
Many congratulations to these knowledgeable No-alls but the real Winner was the Club and those Members who turned out to support the cause We understand that over £200 was raised on the night with a further 80p mysteriously donated by an unnamed benefactor Interestingly no Euro coins were discovered during Mr Meldrew’s scrutiny
Our thanks go to Martin and Karen and their Family, who put in a fantastic amount of hard work and are still trying to finish off those 10 different types of pasta, Neapolitan Sauce with those maybe?
There is a postscript to this story! Wickie turned up 24 hours later wondering why everyone was so dressed up Still he enjoyed 4 free drinks before wondering why he knew no one present. He sat next to the Mother of the Bride and gently asked "Where is Cockney Rebel, Eamon and all the folks from Walking Football?
Questions Questions* - Go Go Go