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Red Fails In The Sunset*

Writer's picture: St Helens Walking Football St Helens Walking Football

25 SHWFC members assembled at a sunny Sutton SoccerDome on Wednesday last celebrating the news that the holy (but uncanonised) nets will be replaced soon; and that even the collapsing goalposts will, at some time in the not too distant future, be consigned to history. Sceptics promise to hold off their unbridled celebration until we see the proof of the pudding

The numbers gave Andy Manager a fairly easy team selection conundrum and with Jeff Betty reffing and Lord Rainford volunteering to multitask as player and ref. More on that story later.  

The teams were: -

Red - Haggis, Steve Smith, Tom Stretch, Deggs, Graham and Lord Rainford

Green - Grav, Midweek Michelle, Joe the Ghost, Steve C, Andy Manager and Roger

Blue - Roy, Robin, Simon, Les H, Nigel and Chris 4G

White - Eamon, Little John, Chris 10P. Les Meldrew, Tom Derby and Jason

Jeff started by refereeing what surprisingly. turned out to be the night’s meanest match with the fewest goals, Green beating Blue 2-0 with goals from Steve C. and Grav.

On the other pitch Red started strongly against White. But then, halfway through White took the lead and the floodgates opened Red letting in 3 further goals to end up the wrong end of a 4-0 drubbing.

Worse was to follow in Round Two, Red slumped to a 6-0 loss Green finding the battered net with regular accuracy As one of Red exclaimed halfway through ‘I am NOT enjoying this’.

It was a perfect illustration of what Andy Manager has been saying recently. Some of our defensive performances are just not that good (now there was an understatement).

It doesn’t help when 33% of your team don’t bother to track back and/or defend, unsurprisingly Green had a field day, as 6-0 suggests

I know Steve C and Michelle scored, no doubt there were others, but protective amnesia has set in, folks.

Over on the other pitch a much more even game took place, Blue and White drew 2-2, with Roy getting both Blue goals and Eamon and Chris 10P scoring for White

Into the final round of games there was a shock start to the Red v Blue game, Red actually took the lead. Step forward Steve Smith, who provided perhaps the only memorable moment of the evening for the plucky Red. Could they get a result? Absolutely no!

Despite Roy firing off target on numerous occasions, Blue got over the shock and embarrassment of being behind to Wednesday’s most out of form team, at the conclusion they prevailed as 3-1 winners. Thank the Lord for a respectable scoreline.

I have to admit, trying to both ref and play was a personal failure. I don’t think Lord Ranford (for it is me) did either effectively. I’ll leave the multi-tasking up to others who I have seen do it much better than I managed.

Amazingly enough Red’s drubbings were not the most one-sided games of the evening. For whist Red were finally getting some respectability into their score lines, Jeff Betty oversaw an even larger demolition job than Red v Green, as Green beat White 7 (seven) v 1 (one)

According to the referee’s notebook (boy he must have been busy) everyone on the Blue team scored (Steve C getting 2) with Eamon replying for the White

By my reckoning that s 28 goals in 6 games, which is….err….over 4.5 a game. Must do better SHWFC defenders, must do better.

Red Sails (Fails geddit?) In The Sunset* - Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, The Platters, etc, etc, etc.


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