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Red Head

Nuclear Power

Hi O'Hooligan here. When I was young, many years ago, I had lovely bushy red or ginger hair. True Irish!

Sadly with the passing of time this colour has changed to white mixed with a bit of grey! But after yesterday's soccer fest at Ruskin Arena my head is once again red, very red and sore!

Bloody sunburn still hurts! You would think the committee would supply factor 50 for our balding pates! I bet I am not alone!

After my venture last week to London and Nuclear scan it seems that I am still super powered. 5 goals last Wednesday and 5 yesterday and I wasn't humiliated at badminton on Thursday either.

I may well go back for some more. No one bring Kryptonite on Wednesday please! Great fun yesterday in great weather.

Our 2 new players picked up slight injuries so hopeful quick recoveries to you both.

The 7 on 7 game was really good even though the score line wasn't. Loads of chances missed, time to slow down in front of goal.

Some real candidates for miss of the season and highest over the crossbar!

Good fun was had by all followed by lots of cake. Tom Stretch was seen walking across the car park in tears as he had to go early and not have any cake! I had a piece for you Tom.

You have to help out, don't you?

Cheers for now. 😇🇮🇪

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